Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



Division of Campus Affairs

Facilities Management Services


TO:  Hamerschlag Hall Facility Coordinators and Shutdown Group

FROM:  Service Response Center

DATE: May 28, 2013 2:57 PM

SUBJECT:  Main Elevator Shutdown 6/1-6/2 plus status update Hamerschlag Hall flood  


The main passenger elevator at Hamerschlag Hall will be shut down on Saturday 6-1-13 from approx. 8:00 am until Sunday 6-2-13 approx 1:00 pm for tile abatement on D level which restricts all access to the elevator equipment room. A portion of D Level corridor will also be closed off during this work.  The corridor flooring at D-Level nearest the elevator will also be skim coated on Sunday afternoon to reduce the stickiness of the original flooring adhesive.


The new carpeting installation on D-Level will commence on Tuesday 6-3-13.  The majority of carpeting on D-Level is expected to be finished by the end of next week 6-7-13 but some areas may carry over to the following week.

Final detail cleaning of all spaces will be performed following the carpet installation.




At approximately 5:30 AM today (5/24/13) a 4” water line broke on the D level of Hamerschlag Hall  flooding both D Level and F Level of that building and causing significant damage in those spaces.  The water line has been shut off and FMS crews are working to remove the water and begin restoration.  Currently, there is electric service to the entire building but it is likely that electric service will need to be shut down at various times during stabilization and repair.  Both elevators are currently operating but occupants should expect interruptions to elevator service.


As a result of this water line break, water service has been lost to Scaife Hall and the Fire Alarm system in Roberts Hall is in an alarm condition.  


We will follow up with additional details as they become known.  If you have any questions please contact Marty Altschul ( at 8-2529.



Martin H. Altschul, PE

University Engineer

Facilities Management Services

Carnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Phone: (412) 268-2529
