Sun. Oct 6th, 2024


TO:   All Facility Coordinators and Shutdown Group

FROM: Service Response Center

DATE: January 20, 2014

SUBJECT: Mandatory Actions to Prevent Freeze Damage


Over the next 72 hours, we will experience another round of dangerously cold temperatures.  During the last Polar Vortex, we had 46 weather related incidents causing significant damage and loss.   Please help us protect your spaces with the following three mandatory actions:


1.       Check your department’s occupied and unoccupied areas.

2.       Close and lock windows.

3.       Turn thermostats ON and check for heat.


Many of the incidents during the week of January 4 were preventable.  If you discover anything of concern, please contact FMS at 268-2910.


Pay attention to cold spots in your buildings.  Occupants with offices on exterior walls should leave their door open for the next 72 hours and doors to stairwells also should be left open to allow warm air to circulate.


If you have any questions, contact Kyle Tomer, 8-6332 or e-mail





Kyle K. Tomer

Associate Director of FMS for Client Services

Facilities Management Services

Carnegie Mellon University
