Facilities, Infrastructure and Risk Management (FIRM)
Facilities Management & Campus Services
TO: Shutdown Group, All Facility Coordinators
FROM: Service Response Center
SUBJECT: Winter Weather as We Return from Winter Break
As the campus community returns from Winter Break, the weather is expected to remain below freezing temperatures, with a new record low – potentially dipping into the single digits on Thursday night.
Please contact FMCS if you see any minor leaks or have any heating concerns.
As always, we ask that particular attention be made to open windows in buildings. At the start of winter break we did observe/close open windows in multiple buildings across campus. At times, windows are open during the winter when it is hot in a space because the heating system is not functioning properly. Rather than opening windows, please call FMCS to address the concern.
If you see or notice anything of concern, please contact the FMCS Service Response Center at 412-268-2910. Thanks for your partnership.