Facilities, Infrastructure and Risk Management (FIRM)
Facilities Management & Campus Services
TO: Shutdown Group, Housing, Facility Coordinators
FROM: Service Response Center
SUBJECT: Skibo Drive Closed 8AM-4PM 11/11 – 11/29
Starting Monday, 11/11, and lasting through 11/29, Skibo Drive access will be restricted between 8AM and 4PM to accommodate exterior concrete and paving work as a part of the Margaret Morrison Street Neighborhood Commons project.
Pedestrian access beyond the top of the stairs from Margaret Morrison Street at Scobell House will be restricted. Welch House and Henderson House access will be redirected around the work area. Please see the attachment for additional detail.
Please contact CDF Project Manager, Jennifer Beck at 412.268.1182 or jbeck4@andrew.cmu.edu with any questions or concerns regarding this work.